We are so excited to have you join the AMS family!!
The steps below will introduce you to information of high importance to us here at AMS. Please ask someone in the Guidance office or Media Center for a New Student Checklist before going through the links below. As you visit the links and become familiar with each step, initial that step and move on to the next until you are familiar with all of them.
The steps below will introduce you to information of high importance to us here at AMS. Please ask someone in the Guidance office or Media Center for a New Student Checklist before going through the links below. As you visit the links and become familiar with each step, initial that step and move on to the next until you are familiar with all of them.
#1- Digital Citizenship (Student-Only)
We meet with all students to go over their responsibilities in using school technology and becoming digital citizens. Every student will go through Digital Citizenship modules to learn to become responsible digital citizens. We want our students to practice safe and appropriate use of technology.
Before allowing our students to use iPads or technology here at AMS, we expect them to complete four Digital Citizenship modules. These modules cover Cyberbullying, Digital Footprint, Online Safety & Security, and Copyright & Fair Use. Each topic includes videos and text.
Before allowing our students to use iPads or technology here at AMS, we expect them to complete four Digital Citizenship modules. These modules cover Cyberbullying, Digital Footprint, Online Safety & Security, and Copyright & Fair Use. Each topic includes videos and text.
#2- Parent/Student Handbook
Please take some time to read over the Student handbook, as well as the Parent/Student Guide. You will also find a link to the Horry County Schools calendar, which has testing details and planned school closings.
#3- Academic Information
We have grade level expectations and syllabi available for all of our classes. Please take the time to locate the grade level expectations and class information for the student(s) enrolling.
#4- Parent/Student Communication
At AMS, we think it is so important for parents and students to stay current on all information. When is the next assignment due? Is there a game tonight? What is happening at AMS this week? Click on the link below to find out how to stay informed!
#5- iPad/PDL Information
Receiving a school iPad is a great opportunity for our students, and we know they are excited about the opportunity. During distribution, we take time to go over the student PDL agreement in detail. Students are also expected to handle their iPads responsibly, so we also take time to cover iPad care and maintenance. The link provided below includes all information shared with students at distribution. Please take the time to watch the video and read the text to make sure you...
(1) know how to properly care for the iPad,
(2) understand the fees associated with the iPads,
(3) find parenting tips and resources to help in this digital age
(4) find answers to commonly-asked questions.
(1) know how to properly care for the iPad,
(2) understand the fees associated with the iPads,
(3) find parenting tips and resources to help in this digital age
(4) find answers to commonly-asked questions.